Hello Bowler,
Name | Ticket # | Score | Prize |
Jack Providence | 24 | 95 | $100 |
Amanda Marshall | 410 | 93 | $50 |
Bobby Pezzulo | 103 | 92 | $15 |
Tim Miedema | 302 | 92 | $15 |
Don Romine | 288 | 20 | $20 |
Hall of Fame
Congratulations to our new Hall of Fame inductees.
For the 2019-2020 Season-
Robert Pacione for Superior Performance
Sandra Koga for Meritorious Service
For the 2020-2021 Season-
John Providence for Meritorious Service
Robert Kelly for Meritorious Service
The induction cerimony will be 3/13/2022 at Chandler's Chophouse. Time to be announced.
More information will be following in the next few months.
Tim Albert - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 10/11/2021
Abelardo Arredondo - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 12/7/2021
Brian Bartelt - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 11/9/2021
Brent Beuse - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 11/21/2021
Scott Carlson - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 11/9/2021
Bruce Christiansen - 804 - 267-269-268 - Stardust Bowl - 11/18/2021
Christopher Einsiedel - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 10/26/2021
William Fricke - 300 - Fox Bowl - 12/10/2021
William Fricke - 801 - 265-278-258 - Fox Bowl - 12/3/2021
William Fricke - 810 - 269-241-300 - Fox Bowl - 12/10/2021
Anthony Giannecchini - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 11/4/2021
Scott Harbeck - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 12/7/2021
Scott Harbeck - 806 - 300-217-289 - Bowlero Roselle - 12/7/2021
Matthew Jensen - 800 - 253-279-268 - Stardust Bowl - 12/10/2021
Connor Johnson - 300 - Funway Bowl - 12/9/2021
Neil Katzenbach - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 10/4/2021
Barry Lawler - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 11/11/2021
Ken Luper - 800 - 257-299-244 - Fox Bowl - 11/26/2021
Daniel Marazzo - 811 - 255-290-266 - Wood Dale Bowl - 11/14/2021
Chris Olmstead - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 10/9/2021
Brad Paynter - 300 - Fox Bowl - 10/16/2021
Jason Ramsey - 806 - 299-269-238 - Streamwood Bowl - 12/9/2021
Matthew Ryan - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 11/30/2021
Matthew Ryan - 813 - 211-300-269 - Bowlero Roselle - 11/30/2021
Kelly Schwinn - 807 - 268-260-279 - Fox Bowl - 12/3/2021
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