Winners for week 6
The football sweepstakes winners for week six:
John Pettenon 113 pts. and $100
Barb Providence 112 pts. and $50
Pam Yundt 103 pts. and $30
Frank Stachowiak 20 pts. and $20
Thanks to all who have helped support our veterans and stay tuned for next weeks winners.
Youth Tournament
Don't forget. Time is running out for our great youth tournament to earn scholarship money.
This is a 9-Pin No-Tap tournament where the kids can bowl with some Pros and Hall of Fame bowlers.
It is Saturday December 15th at 1:00PM at Poplar Creek Bowl.
For all the details and entry form, click here.
Honor Score Winners
Brian Belzey - 300 - Fox Bowl - 10/20/2018
Matthew Frauendorff - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/21/2018
Tyler Johnson - 300 - Fox Bowl - 10/17/2018
Tyler Johnson - 300 - Fox Bowl - 10/13/2018
Jason Bault - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 9/23/2018
Edgar Burgos Quinones - 300 - Fox Bowl - 9/21/2018
Eric Caldwell - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/7/2018
Chris Caldwell - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/21/2018
Richard Coghill - 300 - St. Charles Bowl - 10/22/2018
Michael Duda - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 11/1/2018
Keith Dunham - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/14/2018
Carl Edelman - 300 - Arlington Lanes - 10/25/2018
Tony Elion - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/30/2018
James Fritz, Jr. - 300 - Fox Bowl - 9/11/2018
Anthony Giannecchini - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 10/4/2018
Don Gutkowski, III - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/16/2018
Greg Hulke - 800 - 254-279-267 - Liberty Lanes - 11/8/2018
Brian Keesee - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/30/2018
John Keller - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/21/2018
Lowell Lynde, III - 809 - 256-277-276 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/7/2018
Ryan Madigan - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 9/13/2018
Gerald Marrs - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 9/5/2018
Gerald Marrs - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 10/3/2018
Daniel Mattes - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 10/25/2018
Daniel Mattes - 835 - 276-259-300 - Streamwood Bowl - 10/25/2018
Rumualdo Najera - 300 - Fox Bowl - 9/27/2017
Joel Nottingham - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/15/2018
Joel Nottingham - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/15/2018
Rob Olsen - 300 - St. Charles Bowl - 9/5/2018
Jim Paschke - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 11/19/2018
Adam Petersen - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 9/27/2018
Tony Pezzulo - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 10/26/2018
Joseph Plywaczewski - 809 - 279-275-255 - St Charles Bowl - 9/11/2018
Jason Ramsey - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 9/20/2018
Jason Ramsey - 807 - 280-300-227 - Streamwood Bowl - 9/20/2018
Matthew Ryan - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/19/2018
Walter Schaub, II - 822 - 267-256-299 - Streamwood Bowl - 11/8/2018
Walter Schaub, III - 800 - 223-298-279 - Streamwood Bowl - 9/27/2018
Tim Schmidt - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/18/2018
Matthew Schwartz - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 10/2/2018
Bryan Sebastian - 300 - St. Charles Bowl - 10/29/2018
Brad Starkey - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 3/13/2018
Daniel Svehla - 300 - Elgin Lanes - 11/2/2018
William Swanson - 804 - 299-228-277 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 9/23/2018
Mike Thomka - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/31/2018
Jay Tomasello - 825 - 267-300-258 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/14/2018
Jay Tomasello - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/14/2018
Tom Wall - 300 - St. Charles Bowl - 10/7/2018
Jonathan Weiser - 300 - St. Charles Bowl - 10/29/2018
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