From all of us at Suburban Windy City USBC, may your holidays be filled with joy, family and friends, and may you have a safe and Happy New Year.
Hall of Fame
Congratulations to our new hall of fame inductees:
Bill Gottschalk - Superior performance
Jim Paschke - Superior performance
Bill and Jim will be formally inducted into the Hall of Fame on March 11.
The luncheon is at Chandler's Chophouse in Schaumburg at 1:00PM
Tickets are $35, and if you would like to attend, please contact the office.
Association/City Tournament
Our annual Association/City Tournament is approaching quickly.
It has the regular Open Handicap division plus a division for Scratch, Seniors and Women.
For those of you who are not aware, we have moved the tournament to February and have changed the squad times to accomodate more of our bowlers per your requests.
This year with the help of American Family Insurance - Sam Rolph Agency, we have an added $2,700 to the prize fund, so be sure to get your teams together and get your reservations in early.
The tournament is being held at Liberty Lanes in Carpentersville.
You can sign-up online, or simply download the entry form, fill it in and mail it to the office with your entry fees.
We also have the Team Bonus, Doubles Bonus and Doubles Combine (side pots) available this year again for all the bowlers.
And remember, it is a great way to have fun with family and friends.
See you there. 8^)
Honor Score Winners
Ian Ridgeway - 832 - 276-290-266 - Fox Bowl - 9/23/2017
Matthew Welzien - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 10/22/2017
Tina Becke - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 9/28/2017
Mandy Bosco - 100 POA - 221 - Stardust Bowl - 10/21/2017
Susan Garza - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 11/8/2017
Jodi Gawlik - 812 - 257-268-287 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/18/2017
Joyce Mainiero - 100 POA - 245 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/27/2017
Pamela O'Neil - 30 clean - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/10/2017
Chalise Short - 11 in a row - 299 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/26/2017
Stephanie Thompson - 100 POA - 266 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 9/8/2017
Timothy Albert - 30 clean - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 8/24/2017
Dave Amaro Sr - 100 POA - 279 - Stardust Bowl - 11/1/2017
Justin Anderson - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 11/21/2017
Tod Bank - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 9/24/2017
Matt Barker - 11 in a row - 290 - Stardust Bowl - 11/17/2017
Jason Bault - 804 - 289-258-257 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 11/12/2017
Jason Bault - 817 - 259-279-279 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/22/2017
Jeremy Baumann - 11 in a row - 296 - Parkside Lanes - 10/10/2017
Brent Beuse - 30 clean - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/25/2017
Brent Beuse - 11 in a row - 299 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/25/2017
Brandon Biondo - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/24/2017
Brandon Biondo - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/20/2017
Tony Biundo - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/17/2017
Dan Blomquist - 800 - 247-266-287 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/24/2017
Curt Bradford - 813 - 258-279-276 - Bowling Green Sports Center - 9/18/2017
Gary Burian - 11 in a row - 290 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/2/2017
Anthony Campese - 11 in a row - 299 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/19/2017
Michael Carso - 100 POA - 298 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/25/2017
Anthony Clayton - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 8/24/2017
David Cook - 802 - 267-255-280 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/9/2017
Joey Crawford - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/24/2017
Gary Darrow - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/29/2017
Paul Divis - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 12/1/2017
Gino Dodaro - 100 POA - 288 - Stardust Bowl - 11/24/2017
Matt Duda - 11 in a row - 299 - Streamwood Bowl - 9/28/2017
Matt Duda - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/14/2017
Keith Dunham - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/22/2017
Carlos Edelman - 11 in a row - 290 - Brunswick Zone Hawthorn - 11/16/2017
Nick Fay - 30 clean - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/17/2017
Nick Fay - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/16/2017
Nick Fay - 100 POA - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/16/2017
Kurt Flinker - 100 POA - 277 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/31/2017
Carlos Garrido - 100 POA - 299 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/24/2017
Steve Garrod - 30 clean - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 8/31/2017
Bill Geiersbach - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 5/7/2017
George Geldes - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 11/14/2017
George Geldes - 100 POA - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 11/14/2017
Kurtis Gieseke - 11 in a row - 296 - Wheaton Bowl - 12/4/2017
Jeff Gordon - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/17/2017
Jeff Gordon - 100 POA - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/17/2017
Bill Gottschalk - 11 in a row - 298 - Wood Dale Bowl - 11/12/2017
Kris Grzenia - 30 clean - Bowling Green Sports Center - 9/18/2017
Rick Happ - 100 POA - 274 - Streamwood Bowl - 11/9/2017
Gary Hardin - 100 POA - 291 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/8/2017
Justin Hill - 11 in a row - 299 - Lisle Lanes - 10/13/2017
Oliver Ho - 11 in a row - 298 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 9/14/2017
Emilio Holmes - 300 - Fox Bowl - 9/15/2017
Donald Holmes - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 11/19/2017
Matt Hrycyk - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/1/2017
Matt Hrycyk - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/8/2017
Matt Hrycyk - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/15/2017
John Imburgia - 100 POA - 277 - Bowlero Randall Road - 9/27/2017
Troy Karlak - 11 in a row - 299 - Lisle Lanes - 9/20/2017
Neil Katzenbach - 832 - 279-267-286 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/17/2017
Kevin Kay - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 11/10/2017
Timothy Kehl - 811 - 278-257-276 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/23/2017
Bill Killmer - 100 POA - 299 - Stardust Bowl - 11/10/2017
Bill Killmer - 11 in a row - 299 - Stardust Bowl - 11/10/2017
John Kolb - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 11/10/2017
Aaron Kubisak - 300 - Funway Bowl - 11/8/2017
Anthony Lacaze - 804 - 278-278-248 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/15/2017
Anthony Lacaze - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/29/2017
Barry Lawler - 30 clean - Liberty Lanes - 11/2/2017
Barry Lawler - 804 - 268-278-258 - Bowlero Randall Road - 11/2/2017
Mike Loch - 300 - Bowlero Randall Road - 10/18/2017
Mike Loch - 100 POA - 300 - Bowlero Randall Road - 10/18/2017
Edward Main - 30 clean - Brunswick Zone Mt Prospect - 10/5/2017
Nestor Malab - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 11/3/2017
Nestor Malab - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 12/1/2017
Nestor Malab - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 12/1/2017
Michael Martenson Sr - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/7/2017
Michael Martenson Sr - 30 clean - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/7/2017
Mark Matz - 11 in a row - 279 - Bowling Green Sports Center - 9/25/2017
Shaun McGlothlin - 11 in a row - 290 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/25/2017
James Meinken - 801 - 266-268-267 - Streamwood Bowl - 11/9/2017
Robert Mickolayck - 300 - Fox Bowl - 9/27/2017
Robert Mickolayck - 802 - 254-248-300 - Fox Bowl - 9/27/2017
Richard Minnick III - 30 clean - Parkside Lanes - 9/20/2017
Ed Moores - 300 - Bowling Green Sports Center - 10/16/2017
Wes Motley - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 11/12/2017
Wayne Ochab - 100 POA - 277 - Stardust Bowl - 11/16/2017
Robert Pacione - 30 clean - Poplar Creek Bowl - 11/6/2017
Erick Pawlak - 11 in a row - 277 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/10/2017
Allan Pecka - 11 in a row - 299 - Stardust Bowl - 11/24/2017
Robert Pezzulo - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 11/24/2017
Tony Pezzulo - 822 - 278-288-256 - Stardust Bowl - 11/24/2017
Tony Pezzulo - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 11/24/2017
Tony Pezzulo - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/22/2017
Tony Pezzulo - 300 - Fox Bowl - 9/27/2017
Tony Pezzulo - 11 in a row - 299 - Stardust Bowl - 12/1/2017
Robert Pezzulo - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 12/1/2017
Robert Quintero Jr - 100 POA - 289 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 8/25/2017
Tyler Rallo - 100 POA - 263 - Stardust Bowl - 11/6/2017
Jason Ramsey - 846 - 288-290-268 - Streamwood Bowl - 10/12/2017
Jason Ramsey - 30 clean - Streamwood Bowl - 10/12/2017
Jason Ramsey - 11 in a row - 290 - Streamwood Bowl - 10/12/2017
Jason Ramsey - 836 - 246-290-300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/8/2017
Jason Ramsey - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/8/2017
Matt Reif - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 10/27/2017
Gunar Rud - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/9/2017
Michael Safiran - 100 POA - 256 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 10/20/2017
Earl Sagadraca - 100 POA - 279 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/8/2017
Ronald Sangiacomo Jr - 802 - 279-244-279 - Fox Bowl - 9/26/2017
Walter Schaub II - 802 - 245-300-257 - Streamwood Bowl - 11/2/2017
Walter Schaub II - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 11/2/2017
Walter Schaub II - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 11/16/2017
Walter Schaub II - 806 - 238-300-268 - Streamwood Bowl - 11/16/2017
Robert Schaus - 30 clean - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 9/28/2017
Matt Schwartz - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 9/18/2017
Matthew Schwartz - 11 in a row - 290 - Parkside Lanes - 10/10/2017
Matt Schwartz - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 10/10/2017
Matt Schwartz - 847 - 257-300-290 - Parkside Lanes - 10/10/2017
Matt Schwartz - 805 - 237-300-268 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 11/17/2017
Matt Schwartz - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 11/17/2017
Arlen Shub - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/11/2017
Mark Sissulak - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/5/2017
Timothy Smith - 11 in a row - 299 - Bowling Green Sports Center - 11/7/2017
Wayne Stone - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 11/21/2017
Daniel Storto - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 12/1/2017
Kurt Strebel - 11 in a row - 278 - Bowlway Lanes - 9/24/2017
Will Swanson - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 9/17/2017
Lionel Tally Jr - 11 in a row - 298 - Stardust Bowl - 10/20/2017
David Tamraz - 30 clean - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/15/2017
Paul Tanaka - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 10/2/2017
Donald Tansor - 30 clean - Parkside Lanes - 10/26/2017
Dustin Termini - 30 clean - Poplar Creek Bowl - 11/6/2017
David Thurnall Jr - 11 in a row - 290 - Wood Dale Bowl - 10/25/2017
Steve Tokan - 100 POA - 293 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 9/15/2017
Mike Tomka - 11 in a row - 299 - Wood Dale Bowl - 11/12/2017
Dominic Trunzo - 837 - 299-269-269 - Wood Dale Bowl - 11/12/2017
Dominic Trunzo - 11 in a row - 299 - Wood Dale Bowl - 11/12/2017
Dominic Trunzo - 11 in a row - 299 - Wood Dale Bowl - 11/12/2017
Jonathan Urbano - 100 POA - 278 - Stardust Bowl - 11/3/2017
Dennis Virnich - 11 in a row - 299 - Wood Dale Bowl - 9/14/2017
Jay Warner - 100 POA - 276 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 11/17/2017
Michael Whitten - 11 in a row - 290 - Stardust Bowl - 11/24/2017
Michael Williams - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 10/31/2017
Brandon Williamson - 11 in a row - 299 - Lisle Lanes - 12/2/2017
Walter Yandell - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 10/20/2017
Walter Yandell - 806 - 268-279-259 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 11/10/2017
Alan Zabransky - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 10/20/2017
Alan Zabransky - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 11/10/2017
Christopher Zange - 11 in a row - 279 - Brunswick Zone Deer Park - 10/9/2017
Dan Zielke - 11 in a row - 299 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 8/25/2017
Dan Zielke - 100 POA - 299 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 8/25/2017
Jordan Zimberoff - 100 POA - 300 - Bowling Green Sports Center - 11/5/2017
Jordan Zimberoff - 300 - Bowling Green Sports Center - 11/5/2017
Rusty Zwart - 300 - Funway Bowl - 9/27/2017
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This mailing list will go out to our past and present members that we have on file to receive our newsletter.
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