Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter

From: "Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter" <office@PROTECTED>
Date: June 6th 2017

Suburban Windy City USBC

It's Time for Bowlers and Baseball

Sunday August 13, 2017 1:10 PM vs Kansas City Royals

On this special day the White Sox, Chicagoland BPA, Hammer, KR Strikeforce and Suburban Windy City USBC have teamed up once again to offer  specially priced tickets to all bowlers, their  families and friends for a Kickoff
Celebration to the 2017 Bowling Season.

Outfield Reserved  Seats and Pre-Game  Patio Party  for $45! (this is a 21% discount)

The Patio Party  starts  90 minutes before the game and lasts 30 minutes after  the scheduled start  time.

The Patio menu includes a delicious all-you-can-eat menu catered by Bertucci Buffet,featuring BBQ ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, Cajun chicken,  fried  chicken,  side salads, beer, wine and soda.

You can order tickets using this order form, or on line using the link below.
Online orders add a $5.25 per ticket Ticketmaster Convenience Fee in addition to a $5.00 per order delivery fee.  If you mail or fax the order form there is no convenience fee.
Also, the $10 parking pass can be ordered through the flyer but cannot be purchased online.
The deadline to order is July 1.

The first 400 individuals who purchase tickets will receive a White Sox bowling towel on game day, courtesy of KR StrikeForce!

Here is the online link to order tickets -
Here is the link to the Bowler’s Day webpage with all details

We hope to see everybody there.

Honor Score Winners

Kristine Guindon - 30 clean - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/18/2017
Jessica Mata - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 4/28/2017

Alex Clark - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 5/7/2017
John Colao - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 2/24/2017
Michael Daberitz - 11 in a row - 299 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 4/26/2017
Luis Flores - 11 in a row - 279 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 1/25/2017
Gary Granback - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 4/13/2017
Trevor Gunther - 848 - 290-279-279 - Fox Bowl - 10/26/2016
Trevor Gunther - 300 - Fox Bowl - 3/29/2017
Damon Horst - 300 - Fox Bowl - 5/8/2017
Kevin Kay - 30 clean - Stardust Bowl - 5/2/2017
Cary Kirby - 815 - 268-248-299 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 4/28/2017
Cary Kirby - 11 in a row - 299 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 4/28/2017
Matthew Kuba - 801 - 234-268-299 - Fox Bowl - 5/8/2017
Ben Lorentz - 30 clean - Poplar Creek Bowl - 12/14/2016
Quintin Mayberry - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 4/28/2017
William Rodriguez - 300 - Fox Bowl - 4/26/2017
William Rodriguez - 835 - 278-300-257 - Fox Bowl - 4/26/2017
Ronald Sangiacomo - 300 - Fox Bowl - 12/20/2016
Steve Vanderlinden - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 5/1/2017
Jeff Vyxay - 11 in a row - 290 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 4/28/2017
William Wenecki - 30 clean - Poplar Creek Bowl - 3/1/2017
Gregg Zicha - 300 - Fox Bowl - 4/26/2017
Gregg Zicha - 814 - 279-300-235 - Fox Bowl - 4/26/2017
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