Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter

From: "Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter" <office@PROTECTED>
Date: December 10th 2024

Hello Bowler,

It is wth great sadness that we announce the passing of our President John "Jack" Providence.
Our hearts ache knowing the association has lost such a caring and wise leader that has provided each of us many years of service.
Thank you President Providence. You were an amazing leader. Thank you again for your hard work and you will be missed. Rest in peace.
Our Vice-President Laurie Olson has assumed the role of President.

To our new Hall of Fame inductees
Norb Sobel for Meritorious Service
Terri Moros for Superior Performance
Carl Edelman for Superior Performance
Todd Borchadt for Superior Performance
Barry Lawler for Superior Performance

We will be making the formal presentations at our Hall of Fame luncheon on March 23rd at Chandler's Chop House at the Schaumburg Golf Club.
More details will be forth coming.

Visit our website every week to see who the winners are.
Winners are usually posted on Tuesday.
Our website

Don't forget to get your youth bowler signed up for the New Years Day 9 NoTap at Stardust Bowl
Lots of fun and excitement.
Entry form and rules can be found here

Alex Acosta - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 11/7/2024
Steve Baumgartner - 804 - 256-258-290  Bowl Hi Lanes - 11/13/2024
Matt Bebee - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/12/2024
Jeffrey Bicek - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/26/2024
Brandon Biondo - 804 - 256-252-296  Wood Dale Bowl - 11/7/2024
Frederick Blan - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 11/6/2024
John Brazda - 300 - Fox Bowl - 12/6/2024
Todd Cavanaugh - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 11/16/2024
Todd Cavanaugh - 802 - 243-290-269  Parkside Lanes - 10/16/2024
Corey Cecille - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 10/17/2024
Edward Czlapinski - 300 - Bowl Hi Lanes - 11/11/2024
Paul Divis - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 11/5/2024
Paul Divis - 825 - 245-300-279  Bowlero Roselle - 11/5/2024
Rogue Foppe - 300 - Bowlero Deer Park - 11/21/2024
Matt Forssberg - 300 - Bowlero Glendale Heights - 11/19/2024
Matt Forssberg - 815 - 290-259-266  Bowlero Glendale Heights - 11/19/2024
William Fricke - 804 - 267-278-259  Fox Bowl - 10/8/2024
Kurt Frieders - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 9/7/2024
Robert Gadbaw, Jr - 300 - Bowl Hi Lanes - 10/25/2024
Brett Golabek - 817 - 290-279-248  Bowl Hi Lanes - 11/15/2024
Bryan Holloway - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/12/2024
Allison Hubbard - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 11/4/2024
Kyle Krumme - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 9/18/2024
Tim Kuhns - 815 - 258-299-258  Fox Bowl - 10/29/2024
Daniel Marazzo - 802 - 277-226-299  Wood Dale Bowl - 11/10/2024
Daniel Mattes - 300 - Elgin Lanes - 10/31/2024
Dwight McKinley, Jr - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 11/22/2024
Dwight McKinley, Jr - 813 - 290-258-265  Stardust Bowl - 11/15/2024
James Miller - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 11/12/2024
Brandon Mooney - 300 - Bowl Hi Lanes - 11/18/2024
Brandon Mooney - 300 - Bowl Hi Lanes - 11/11/2024
Brandon Mooney - 300 - Bowl Hi Lanes - 11/11/2024
Brandon Mooney - 844 - 244-300-300  Bowl Hi Lanes - 11/11/2024
Erick Pawlak - 300 - Bowl Hi Lanes - 9/9/2024
Erick Pawlak - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 10/16/2024
Erick Pawlak - 826 - 300-268-258  Bowl Hi Lanes - 9/9/2024
Steven Petzold - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 11/21/2024
Bobby Pezzulo - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/12/2024
Tara Quinlan - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/12/2024
Troy Rothfahn - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/22/2024
Ryan Sabia - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 11/24/2024
Ryan Sabia - 823 - 267-256-300  Wood Dale Bowl - 11/24/2024
Jimmy Sanchez - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 10/29/2024
Brian Schmelter - 805 - 268-179-258  Stardust Bowl - 11/29/2024
Kevin Sickler - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 11/20/2024
Andrew Soukup - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 10/1/2024
James Voigt - 817 - 290-248-279  Stardust Bowl - 11/29/2024
John Welzien - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 11/13/2024
Terysa Wojnar - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/12/2024

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