Hello Bowler,
Don't forget it's Tournament time.
That's right. The Open and Women's Championship tournaments are happening on 3/25, 3/26, 4/1 and 4/2 at Bowlero Roselle. Two squads the first Saturday and two squads the second Sunday. Just one squad the other days.
Get your teammates together and sign up for a fabulous time.
And just a reminder, brackets will be available again this year at all squads.
Just click here to get the entry form and rules. And if you are interested in the shot pattern, that is also available.
Also coming up is the Youth Singles Tournament at St Charles Bowl.
That is one squad on 3/18 and two squads on 3/19
For the entry form and rules use the same link as above.
William Clark - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 1/24/2023
Peter Conti - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 1/26/2023
Evan Corsollini - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 2/16/2023
Shane Cullen - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 2/2/2023
Robert Farenkopf - 300 - Fox Bowl - 2/9/2023
Robert Farenkopf - 300 - Fox Bowl - 2/9/2023
Bill Geietrsbach - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 2/26/2023
Michael Gill - 300 - Fox Bowl - 1/27/2023
Barry Harris - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 1/26/2023
Barry Harris - 817 - 259-258-300 - Bowlero Roselle - 1/26/2023
Carl Holden - 300 - Bowlero Glendale Heights - 2/24/2023
James Huspen - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 1/19/2023
Chris Kowalewski - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 1/19/2023
Joshua Leuze - 300 - Elgin Lanes - 2/3/2023
Joshua Leuze - 300 - Elgin Lanes - 2/10/2023
Dave Lewandowski - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 2/26/2023
Daniel Lynde - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 1/27/2023
Daniel Marazzo - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 2/1/2023
Travus McDonald - 300 - Bowlero Glendale Heights - 1/27/2023
Lawrence Moretti - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 2/1/2023
Joe Nixon - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 2/23/2023
Steve Noti - 804 - 267-279-258 - Liberty Lanes - 1/30/2023
Erick Pawlak - 300 - Elgin Lanes - 1/27/2023
Steven Petzold - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 2/16/2023
Jason Ramsey - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 2/9/2023
William Rodriguez - 300 - Fox Bowl - 12/28/2022
William Rodriguez - 806 - 269-300-237 - Fox Bowl - 12/28/2022
Marc Sarosario - 300 - Bowlero Roselle - 2/9/2023
Steven Smith - 300 - Bowlero Glendale Heights - 1/27/2023
Mark Smith, Sr - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 2/24/2023
Michael Sopper - 300 - Funway Bowl - 2/1/2023
James Stonecipher - 810 - 269-279-262 - Bowlero Glendale Heights - 1/13/2023
Jack Sullivan - 810 - 255-276-279 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 2/26/2023
John Sypniewski - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 2/1/2023
Frank Taylor - 813 - 268-267-278 - Bowlero Glendale Heights - 12/30/2022
John Trush - 817 - 279-249-289 - Bowlero Deer Park - 2/16/2023
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