Tournament Spots Still Available
We still have spots available for all squads on April 6th & 7th.
You can bowl team, doubles and singles at all squad times, 1:30 April 6; 10:00 & 1:30 April 7.
And don't forget, you can bowl doubles on one squad and singles on another, and team on still another.
So get your teams or partners and come and have some fun.
And oh yes, we do have brackets these squads.
Golfers Wanted for Veterans
Suburban Windy City USBC is hosting
a golf outing fund-raiser for the
Midwest Shelter For Homeless Veterans.
If you would like to participate,
as a golfer, a sponsor or both,
click here for more information and
Thank you for your support.
Annual Meeting
Our annual meeting is scheduled for June 1st, Streamwood Bowl at 1:00 PM
All members of the Suburban Windy City USBC Association are invited to attend.
We will be discussing what legislation and other matters were discussed and voted on at the annual national convention.
Other topics including what happened at the state meeting will be discussed.
We hope to see you all there.
Honor Score Winners
Anthony Pope - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 2/26/2019
Matthew Welzien - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 3/17/2019
Nick Afendoulis - 300 - Fox Bowl - 2/5/2019
Victor Alesi - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 3/14/2019
Blaine Allred - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 3/7/2019
Matthew Anastasia - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 10/25/2018
Brandyn Andelbradt - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 12/26/2018
Abelardo Arredondo - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 2/21/2019
Thomas Bajkowski, Jr. - 300 - Fox Bowl - 12/18/2018
Ryan Benjamin - 300 - Fox Bowl - 2/8/2019
Michael Bilica - 300 - Fox Bowl - 2/14/2019
Bruce Bolte - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 3/14/2019
John Brazda - 300 - Fox Bowl - 3/1/2019
Keith Chapman - 300 - Fox Bowl - 9/21/2018
Peter Conti - 816 - 278-289-249 - Liberty Lanes - 1/31/2019
David Cook - 801 - 289-234-278 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 2/18/2019
Wayne Curley - 300 - Bowlway Lanes - 1/26/2019
Todd Folkes - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 3/14/2019
William Fricke - 804 - 268-278-258 - Fox Bowl - 2/8/2019
Gregory Gamboa - 300 - Fox Bowl - 2/26/2019
Gregory Gamboa - 825 - 279-300-246 - Fox Bowl - 2/26/2019
Alexander Garza - 826 - 268-279-279 - St Charles Bowl - 2/18/2019
Tom Genetski - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 2/21/2019
Adam Halik - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 2/8/2019
Rich Hammesfahr - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 2/21/2019
Steven Holmen - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 2/10/2019
Glenn Itter - 300 - Funway Bowl - 3/13/2019
Adam Johnson - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 11/21/2018
Andy Johnson - 811 - 290-263-258 - Fox Bowl - 2/12/2019
Adam Johnson - 827 - 228-299-300 - Parkside Lanes - 11/21/2018
Gerald Marrs - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 2/27/2019
Gabriel Mejia-Wick - 300 - Fox Bowl - 3/9/2019
Nicholas Misner - 300 - Fox Bowl - 11/20/2018
John Mundt - 800 - 289-266-245 - Elgin Lanes - 3/1/2019
Joel Nottingham - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 2/19/2019
Charles Nottingham - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 2/22/2019
Geoffrey Oidtman - 300 - Fox Bowl - 1/16/2019
Steven Petzold - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 3/7/2019
Nick Pirok - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 1/3/2019
Johnathan Polzin - 300 - Fox Bowl - 2/5/2019
Chris Reeder - 300 - Funway Bowl - 2/9/2019
Anthony Ricci - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 2/15/2019
Jason Riha - 300 - Fox Bowl - 2/8/2019
John Rumishek, Jr. - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 2/15/2019
James Saffold - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 2/21/2019
Michael Scaradamaglia - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 2/1/2019
Jon Scaradamaglia - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 2/28/2019
Robert Simmons - 824 - 288-258-278 - St Charles Bowl - 2/7/2019
Tim Smith - 300 - Funway Bowl - 3/5/2018
Don Spolum, Jr. - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 1/22/2019
Jay Tomasello - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 3/17/2019
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