Time is Running Out
Don't forget to get your tickets for the White Sox vs. Blue Jays game.
Save the date: July 29 @ 1:10 at Guaranteed Rate field.
Outfield Reserved Seats and Pre-Game Patio Party for only $46!
PLUS - The first 500 orders received will receive a free White Sox Bowlers’ Day Cap, compliments of The Chicago White Sox and The Chiacgoland BPA!
Don't wait, get your family and friends together for Bowler's Day and a great time at the ballpark.
For order form and more information, click here.
Honor Score Winners
Bill Geiersbach, Sr. - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/24/2018
Jeff Gordon - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 4/17/2018
Tim Makowski - 300 - Lisle Lanes - 4/16/2018
David McKee - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/29/2018
David McKee - 813 - 300-247-266 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/29/2018
Wes Motley - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/8/2018
Chris Rank - 800 - 267-287-246 - Fox Bowl - 4/13/2018
Walter Schaub, II - 813 - 267-267-279 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/29/2018
Bryan Sebastian - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 4/30/2018
John Slavich, IV - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/24/2018
Steve Vanderlinden - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/23/2018
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