Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter

From: "Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter" <office@PROTECTED>
Date: May 3rd 2018

Suburban Windy City USBC

Association Annual Meeting
Please make sure to make plans to attend your association annual meeting. Find out about the dues increase from the state association, what's oing on in our association and election of board members.

All certified bowlers of the Suburban Windy City Association are invited to attend.

It will be at Brunswick Zone Roselle on Saturday May 12 at 1:00PM

We hope to see you all there.

Congratulations to Ian Ridgway
[Excerpt from Windy City Bowling News]

Ian Ridgway of Naperville [youth bowler at Fox Bowl] and Sara Howell of Slidell, La., have been selected as Youth Ambassadors of the Year by the IBC Youth Committee.

The Youth Ambassador of the Year is annually awarded to recognize one male and one female USBC Youth bowler for exemplary contributions in the sport of bowling outside of league or tournament play, academic accomplishments and community involvement. One of the winners could be selected to serve on the IBC Youth Committee.

Ridgway is a senior at Matea Valley High School, has taken seven AP and honors classes, and has earned an academic letter every semester of his high school career. He has worked on community projects as a member of the Key Club and Student Athlete Leadership Team, in addition to working with Special Olympic bowlers, the American Red Cross, Feed My Starving Children and worked on a fund-raiser for military veterans, Strikes for Veterans, that raised more than $12,000. Matea Valley High School does not have a boys' bowling team, so Ridgway managed the girls' team and competed as an individual to promote the sport at his school, and it led to him earning Student Athlete of the Month honors. He also finished sixth in the IHSA boys' state tournament as an individual.

Ridgway will attend Mount Mercy University where he plans to pursue a degree in physical therapy, and he will compete on the bowling team.

"It feels great to be recognized for all the hard work that I've put into trying to grow the sport within my high school and the community," Ridgway said. "I hope the work that I have done so far is just a beginning, and that I continue to inspire others as I progress through my bowling career."

It's Baseball Time Again
That's right. Once again the Chicagoland Bowling Proprietors, Hammer Bowling and Suburban Windy City USBC have teamed up once again to offer specially priced tickets to all bowlers, their families and friends for a
Kickoff Celebration to the 2018 Bowling Season. Outfield Reserved Seats and Pre-Game Patio Party for $46!

The Patio Party starts 90 minutes before the game and lasts 30 minutes after the scheduled start time. The Patio menu includes a delicious all-you-can-eat menu catered by Bertucci Buffet, featuring BBQ ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, Cajun chicken, fried chicken, side salads, beer, wine and soda.

First 500 orders received will receive a free White Sox Bowlers’ Day Cap, compliments of The Chicago White Sox and The Chicagoland BPA!

For complete details and order form, click here.

Officers Workshop
There is going to be an officers workshop at BrunswickZone Roselle on July 26 at 7PM.

All officers are invited to learn of upcoming changes for the 2018-2019 season.

League packets for the 2018-2019 season will be available for secretaries to pick up.

We hope to see you all there.

Honor Score Winners
Brian Alvarado - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 2/23/2018
Michael Aramburu - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 2/23/2018
Daniel Aranda - 300 - Funway Bowl - 3/14/2018
Tyler Arredondo - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 3/2/2018
Jeffery Artel - 800 - 211-290-299 - Funway Bowl - 4/11/2018
Brent Beuse - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 4/21/2018
Edward Bockman - 300 - Funway Bowl - 3/15/2018
Edward Bockman - 824 - 277-300-247 - Funway Bowl - 3/15/2018
Marvin Boorsma, Jr. - 300 - Fox Bowl - 3/16/2018
Russel Bowling - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 3/18/2018
William Bradford - 300 - Funway Bowl - 4/4/2018
Valon Brown, Jr. - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 1/6/2018
Brian Bylls - 812 - 265-279-268 - Stardust Bowl - 2/6/2018
Andy Caduto - 809 - 254-268-287 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 3/16/2018
Donny Campo, Jr. - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 2/22/2018
Michael Carso - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 2/8/2018
Charles Casey - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 4/11/2018
Andy Domanski - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 3/28/2018
Karl Dyer - 300 - Funway Bowl - 3/4/2018
Matthew Frew - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 4/10/2018
Gregory Gamboa, Jr. - 300 - Wood Dale Bowl - 4/29/2018
Kurtis Gieseke - 300 - Lisle Lanes - 3/30/2018
Steven Gould - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 12/27/2017
Kris Grzenia - 300 - Funway Bowl - 3/26/2018
Richard Hoffman - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 3/24/2018
Scott Howell - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 4/26/2018
Cary Keller - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 3/14/2018
Nick Kruml - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 3/16/2018
Aaron Kubisak - 817 - 269-269-279 - Funway Bowl - 3/7/2018
Brian Kummet - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 4/10/2018
Kyle Lane - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 4/8/2018
Kyle Lane - 804 - 255-300-249 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 4/8/2018
Brian  Lent - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 2/26/2018
Jeff  Lumbert - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 2/8/2018
Ken Luper - 814 - 268-288-258 - Fox Bowl - 2/23/2018
Lowell Lynde, III - 300 - Liberty Lanes - 3/28/2018
Daniel  Marazzo - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 2/28/2018
Daniel  Marazzo - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 3/14/2018
Daniel Marazzo - 814 - 267-300-247 - Stardust Bowl - 2/28/2018
James Miller - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 3/6/2018
Richard Minnick III - 813 - 267-256-290 - Parkside Lanes - 3/7/2018
Jim Nemecek Jr - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 3/27/2018
Kirk Nichols - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 3/1/2018
George Patterson - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 3/20/2018
Erick Pawlak - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 4/10/2018
Allan Pecka - 803 - 246-268-289 - Stardust Bowl - 4/13/2018
Malcolm Peckys - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 3/2/2018
Malcolm Peckys - 808 - 259-249-300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 3/2/2018
Chris Pekarek - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 4/3/2018
Ryan Perotti - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 11/7/2017
Jason Ramsey - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 3/15/2018
Jason Ramsey - 810 - 289-279-242 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 11/19/2017
Jason Ramsey - 845 - 256-300-289 - Streamwood Bowl - 3/15/2018
Jason Ricci - 300 - Streamwood Bowl - 4/19/2018
Keith Robinson - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 3/2/2018
Ken Rule, Sr. - 300 - Lisle Lanes - 3/30/2018
Matthew Ryan - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 4/6/2018
Adam Schaefer - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 3/19/2018
Rich  Schoenwolf - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 3/19/2018
Donald Schreiner Jr - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/8/2018
Donald Schreiner Jr - 814 - 300-268-246 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 4/8/2018
Kevin  Sickler - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 4/13/2018
Joe  Siedlecki - 300 - Lisle Lanes - 4/18/2018
Dane Smith - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 3/22/2018
Niel Smith - 801 - 289-254-258 - Stardust Bowl - 3/30/2018
Andrew Soukup - 300 - Parkside Lanes - 4/10/2018
Don Spolum Jr - 300 - St Charles Bowl - 3/27/2018
Reid Steinbach - 300 - Fox Bowl - 4/11/2018
Michael Strnad - 300 - Stardust Bowl - 4/13/2018
Dale Strzepek - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 3/29/2018
William Swanson - 300 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 3/4/2018
William Swanson - 815 - 267-300-248 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 3/4/2018
William Thompson - 300 - Brunswick Zone Glendale Heights - 3/30/2018
Lawrence Zacharias - 300 - Lisle Lanes - 4/6/2018
Rusty Zwart - 802 - 226-278-298 - Funway Bowl - 3/21/2018

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