Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter

From: "Suburban Windy City USBC Newsletter" <office@PROTECTED>
Date: September 13th 2016

Chet Brock Memorial Tournament

This youth tournament is funded by the Ted Geiersbach Fund and Suburban Windy City USBC.
​This tournament is open to all High School bowlers who have a "C" GPA or better and are currently bowling in a certified youth league in a center certified by Suburban Windy City Association.
​Scholarships are awarded to the top two boys and girls.
​The tournament is being held at Bowlway Lanes in Elgin with one squad each day of October 22nd and 23rd. Space is limited so make sure to get your entry form and fee in by October 14th.
Entry form and rules.

​Pro-Am at Parkside Lanes​

Bowlers, don't forget the Pro-Am at Parkside Lanes in Aurora on September 30th at 7:00PM
​$50 for youth and $75 for adults.
Other packages that include a bowling ball are available.
​This is part of the PBA XTRA Frame Parkside Lanes Open.
Brochure and entry form.

Presidents and Secretaries

We know the beginning of the season can be a little hectic, but remember USBC Rule 102e "Duties of the Secretary" requires that every participant complete a membership card application and you collect the appropriate fee. You are to forward the the collected fees with the completed league application to our office within 30 days after league starts to bowl. If you have not collected all of the cards and fees, please forward what you have within the 30 days. You can always forward the rest later. Delaying the process means that your bowlers will be delayed in getting their sanction cards, which means that bowling in tournaments or other leagues can be a hassle for them.

​Equally important are the duties of the President. USBC Rule 102c states that the president set up an account in a recognized banking institution (your bowling center is ok) and have two officers signatures required for withdrawls. The President should also appoint a prize committee and have them submit one or more prize lists for consideration by the 5th week of bowling. And last but not least the President is to personally verify the league's bank balance monthly. League President worksheet.

Ted Geiersbach Scholarship

Youth bowlers and parents, in  2016-17 the Ted Geiersbach Scholarship Committee is continuing to offer opportunities for scholarship monies to youth bowlers. 

To be considered for these scholarship opportunities, applicants must be: 
     •  members in good standing of the Suburban Windy CityUSBC Youth Division, 
     •  bowl in a certified youth league at center within the SWC USBC Association boundaries, 
     •  be in compliance with all rules and regulations of the USBC Youth Division, 

​There are TWO events for youth bowlers to earn scholarship monies from the Ted Geiersbach Scholarship Fund. The first is a tournament which is shown above, and the second opportunity is a competitive scholarship open to high school juniors and above.

Two competitive scholarships will be awarded to two young men and two young women as follows: 
1st Place - $1,000.00 
2nd Place - $500.00 

​Scholarship Application due in by December 2nd.

Honor Score Winners

Blaine Allred - 837 - 258-279-300 - Bowling Green Sports Center - 8/11/2016
Blaine Allred - 300 - Bowling Green Sports Center - 8/11/2016
J Matthew Million - 11 in a row - 297 - Poplar Creek Bowl - 10/23/2015
Edward Moores - 802 - 258-278-266 - Bowling Green Sports Center - 8/11/2016
Daniel Napper - 803 - 247-300-256 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 8/8/2016
Daniel Napper - 300 - Brunswick Zone Roselle - 8/8/2016

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